Department of Geography (Pure / Applied)  


PO 1

Enrich the knowledge of understanding the approaches in geographical research with historical, experimentation and case studies.

PO 2

Enhanced the capabilities to prepare the research design in geographical research.        

PO 3

Capable to conduct field survey and able to collect the relevant information required for geographical research.

PO 4

Enhanced the capabilities to prepare the maps by handling the Quantitative Techniques, Statistical Methods, and Cartographic Methods in geographical research.        

PO 5

Enhance the knowledge and the skills in Map Making procedures and Principles of Cartography and exposer in the technology for handling the spatial and non-spatial data and to integrate in Geographical Environment and Remote Sensing.

PO 6

Enhanced the skills in thesis writing with an effective Introduction, related to the Topic, Review of Literature, Content, Critical Analysis, Language, Planning Strategy and References along with appendix.

PO 7

Enhanced the knowledge in geography through the research not only from the academic point of view, but also the societal needs on any geographical space.

PO 8

Demonstrate the innovative skill developed in the specialized areas of geographical research to extend the horizon of the knowledge in the discipline.

PO 9

Encoursement to develop the multi - discipline in the research to enrich the knowledge in different discipline.

PO 10

Capable to conduct the research and to gain research knowledge by handling the important issues related both human aspects as well as natural point of view with special focuses on Environment.

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