The Department of Physics was one of the oldest Departments established in 1953. Eminent Spectroscopist Late Dr. N.R. Tawade was the first Head of the Department and its faculty included very distinguished scientists. In early stage Department recognized the importance of the development in Physics and hence started Specialization such as (i) Atomic & Molecular Physics, (ii) Condensed matter Physics, (iii) Electronics & Communication and (iv) Nuclear & Particle Physics. The Department, at present has 8 faculty members, 06 teaching assistants and 50 research scholars. The Department has had a tradition of strong teaching program and quality research output. As a result, it has been nationally recognized for excellence in teaching and research programs with major grants from UGC under special assistance program (SAP) and DST under FIST program and for individual faculty members from UGC, DST, BRNS and IUAC. Under UGC-SAP, CAS-I & CAS-II program, the Department is recognized as centre of Advanced Study at Level-II with a grant of Rs 2.63 Cr and Department is associated with UGC’s the centre with potential for Excellence in a Particular Area (CPEPA) involving other science Department as well. While most of the passed out students have become school and college teachers, allied job holders, a small but significant number of the students have excelled as scientists (some are Bhatnagar awardees), university faculty, Vice-chancellors, Registrars, Directors and likewise some are successful in foreign countries. Department has entered into its diamond jubilee year 2013-14. In the last sixty nine years the faculty has produced around 200 PhDs and published more than 1200 research papers in journals of international repute. The Department is committed to achieve academic excellence, and all-round development of its students.
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